Hi, I’m Lori Carbonneau. After leaving a succesfull but unfulfilling career in real estate, I started a new journey to become a transformational life coach. Having type 1 diabetes for over 50 years I knew that I wanted to help other diabetics live a more satisfying, gratifying and healthful life. Sadly, my mother passed away at 62 years young from complications of type 2 diabetes. I deeply wanted to help others circumvent the dibilitating complications of this condition.

Because I know how important exercise is for people with diabetes (and everyone, for that matter) I knew I had to incorporate some form of physical exercise into my coaching program. But, I wanted it to be fun, because honestly, I don’t like to exercise either! (But I do!)

That’s when I found TRANSCENDANCE™ and became a credentialed facilitator. What I realized though, after taking the training, was that TRANSCENDANCE™ wasn’t just a great way for my coaching clients to get physical exercise, it was also a great wasy to relieve stress, tension, and negative energy. And then refill your chalice, your body temple, with loving energy, joy, vitality, clarity and so much more.

That’s why I’m offering this experience to you. Say, “Goodbye,” to stress, tension, stiffness, discontent and frustration and say “Hello!” to joyfulness, rejuvination and vitality!

I’m amazed and grateful at how this journey has enabled me to help so many others connect with their mind, body and spirit and to live a life of inner peace.